Dec 25, 2009

what am i up to?

Right now shaf kt Kelantan… saje2..just for fun nk jalan2 kt sni.. zmn ble dlu shaf pegi snip own shaf dh x ingat dh.. tp Kelantan leh tahan la..maju seyh.. hehehe…. Im staying at Grand Riverview Hotel…**wherever that is**… tp boleh tahan la kedai2 dye…cme ade satu masalah jew… ari ne ari jumaat… jumaat Kelantan CUTI… jd, kami pegi PARKSON JEW LA GAMAKNYE..N KEDAI2 YANG BERDEKATAN YANG RAJIN NK BUKAK ARI NE… I got my self a new pair of sandles… n a brand new wallet.. cm bese wrne merah… milk teddy,,, esok, akan berjalan lagi… smpai aria had nk balik KL balik dh… cuti neyh jap jew… minggu dpn hnye ade satu hari je nk giler2…dat is pd ari rabu… sayang I yang sekarang ne ade kt seremban sudi untuk naek ke KL and spend tyme dgn shaf sebelom dye balik perak dan shaf mulekan semester shaf kt sunway kolej…terharu gler dgn tndkn dye… really appreciate it…I really do.. xde sape yang pnah wt cmtu untuk shaf… I just want to spend my tyme with him.. amek result nanty shaf akan amek dgn dye.. pegi SMKSB dlu bru pegi MTD..then, pegi jumpe my DAD… haha… Bukhari kalau be ne mesti cuak kn… dye kata skarg ne dh jd OP (Old Putra) dh krang sket dh takot dye terhadap daddy..atas alasan….? Dye dgn daddy sme…due2 OP.. ye la tu syg oi… ntah2 lagi cuak.. dad seems to accept him.. tp, xnak la pakse2 sgt..kang laen jd kang.. im thankful for what I have… and I will try to keep them close to heart.. bak kata org.. jauh di mata..dekat di hati...

In the rhythm of Life, we sometime find ourselves out of tune, But as long as there are friends to provide the melody, The music plays on…

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